5K Course Map
The course will be marked and volunteers will be directing runners & walkers at every important turn. Written directions and landmarks can be found here.
Start running NE through the grass in the Judy Dossin Meadow. Turn left (L) onto the paved park path at the N end the meadow. The inside of this turn is marked by the two trees just south of the path closest to (SW of) the Chief Jay Hansen bench. These trees are marked with yellow survey markers. Follow the park path counterclockwise, then R at the small parking lot, L at the sidewalk along S. Main St. L to stay on the sidewalk along Old Trenton Rd. Then the first L onto the paved path back into the park. Follow the path NE (do not turn left back towards the circle and do not turn right to loop around the playground). R onto Stockton Dr. Follow Stockton Dr. until the turnaround point, then follow Stockton Dr. back to Hartway St. L on Hartway St. L on Bergen Dr. R on McKnight Ct. then counterclockwise around the center island at the end of the cul-de-sac. R on Bergen Dr. R on the sidewalk along Old Trenton Rd. R on Bergen Dr. R on Handley Ct. then counterclockwise around the center island at the end of the cul-de-sac. R on Bergen Dr. L on Hartway St. L on Stockton Dr. Reenter the park. L on the park path. Run the exact park loop from the beginning but in the opposite direction, finishing on the grass in the Judy Dossin Meadow.
Start running NE through the grass in the Judy Dossin Meadow. Turn left (L) onto the paved park path at the N end the meadow. The inside of this turn is marked by the two trees just south of the path closest to (SW of) the Chief Jay Hansen bench. These trees are marked with yellow survey markers. Follow the park path counterclockwise, then R at the small parking lot, L at the sidewalk along S. Main St. L to stay on the sidewalk along Old Trenton Rd. Then the first L onto the paved path back into the park. Follow the path NE (do not turn left back towards the circle and do not turn right to loop around the playground). R onto Stockton Dr. Follow Stockton Dr. until the turnaround point, then follow Stockton Dr. back to Hartway St. L on Hartway St. L on Bergen Dr. R on McKnight Ct. then counterclockwise around the center island at the end of the cul-de-sac. R on Bergen Dr. R on the sidewalk along Old Trenton Rd. R on Bergen Dr. R on Handley Ct. then counterclockwise around the center island at the end of the cul-de-sac. R on Bergen Dr. L on Hartway St. L on Stockton Dr. Reenter the park. L on the park path. Run the exact park loop from the beginning but in the opposite direction, finishing on the grass in the Judy Dossin Meadow.
1 Mile Course Map
The 1 Mile Fun Run starts and finishes at the same location as the 5K start and finish line. It starts and finishes on the meadow and loops twice around the paved area surrounding the meadow.
Start running NE through the grass in the Judy Dossin Meadow. Turn left (L) onto the paved park path at the N end the meadow. The inside of this turn is marked by the two trees just south of the path closest to (SW of) the Chief Jay Hansen bench. These trees are marked with yellow survey markers. Follow the park path counterclockwise, then L at the circle south of the starting line and L to turn on the path adjacent to the Judy Dossin Meadow (do not turn right to loop around the playground). Repeat this loop twice. After the second loop, turn left to finish on the grass in the Judy Dossin Meadow.
Start running NE through the grass in the Judy Dossin Meadow. Turn left (L) onto the paved park path at the N end the meadow. The inside of this turn is marked by the two trees just south of the path closest to (SW of) the Chief Jay Hansen bench. These trees are marked with yellow survey markers. Follow the park path counterclockwise, then L at the circle south of the starting line and L to turn on the path adjacent to the Judy Dossin Meadow (do not turn right to loop around the playground). Repeat this loop twice. After the second loop, turn left to finish on the grass in the Judy Dossin Meadow.